With warmer temps, budding flowers, and spring showers on the horizon, now is a great time to take an extra close look at your home and perform some basic maintenance in preparation of the upcoming season. Most simple home maintenance can be easily performed and will go a long way in preventing long-term problems that may arise.
A walk-around inspection of your home is always a good place to start any maintenance checklist. The winter is tough on your house, so take a thorough look at your roof especially for anything that looks potentially damaged or worn. Loose, lifting, or missing shingles should all be addressed as soon as you spot them to avoid further water or wind damage. While walking around also peek at your siding to make sure all the panels are present and that there’s no damage or cracking going on.
Gutters are another area that can be put under a lot of stress during wintertime. Make sure all your gutters are still securely fastened to the home. Also look inside your gutters to ensure there is no water backup present. A clogged gutter will result in improper drainage which could be damaging to your foundation. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are fully cleaned out to avoid any potential damage and consider having gutter protection installed to cut down on future maintenance.
Another area to pay particular attention to is your windows and doors. Take a close look to make sure there are no tears or holes in the screens, and that any caulking is not cracking and still in good shape. Make sure that the cladding around your windows and doors is not deteriorating. For any exposed wood, check that there is no sign of the wood being damaged by rot or pests. Keeping your window and door areas in good shape will help keep the heat and humidity out during the warmer months.
Lastly, consider any changes or upgrades you’d like to see on your home this year. Aging roofing, siding, or gutters can all potentially leave your home’s interior at risk. Large home projects are now taking longer than ever to accomplish, so it’s always a good idea to start planning sooner rather than later.
If anything looks out of place or troubling on the outside of your home, we can help. Family owned for over fifty years, Mather’s Improvement Service has always been committed to exterior home repair and remodeling in the local community. If you have any questions about the state of your home, give us a call and we can provide you with a free estimate. Covering roofing, siding, gutters, windows/doors, and awnings, let us know if we can help transform your home this year.